Lancaster Wedding- Amanda & Danny

Amanda and Danny’s summer wedding was so beautiful. I always want to capture people and moments and days as they really are- and if it happens to be raining, well then let’s remember it that way. Every wedding day is a beautiful day of commitment celebrated and significant lives coming together to champion a couple’s love- EVERY detail needs to be remembered and captured on a day like that. These two are so special- they fully embraced the rain and gladly took my infamous umbrella I whip out on rainy wedding days and took photos anyway. I love how I get to learn about love by observing it close up with my job, and one big thing that stays true in most days I’m apart of is that true love, like Amanda and Danny’s, doesn’t get lost in the details of one day. Rather, it relaxes in the real meaning of a wedding- marriage- just two lovers getting to be together. Amanda and Danny were such a joy to be around this day. They were so full of love, peace, and pure bliss. I’m blessed yet again with another incredible bride and groom and honor of getting to partake in their day. Here are some highlights of Amanda and Danny’s Hershey, PA wedding day!

ps- You know it’s going to be a good day when you show up and the first thing you see at the venue is a KISS-MOBILE. Yes- an actual legal car shaped like Hershey kisses for the getaway car! How great is that?!